Title Products Classification Last Updated Version Size          Download
Kaspersky Lab - System - 30.1769.0.847 Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 9/2/2024 n/a 179 KB 184290
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 651 KB 667643
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 651 KB 667643
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 651 KB 667643
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 867 KB 888051
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1703.0.17 Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 4/12/2024 n/a 651 KB 667643
Intel - net - Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Networking) 3/19/2024 n/a 13.7 MB 14338810
Intel(R) Corporation - System - Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 10/12/2023 n/a 102.0 MB 106944046
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1527.0.190 Windows Server 2019 and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 10/7/2023 n/a 553 KB 566348
Quectel Wireless. Inc. - Firmware - Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Firmware) 6/18/2023 n/a 49.2 MB 51545439
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.1387.0.10 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 6/10/2023 n/a 745 KB 762923
Kaspersky Lab - ActivityMonitor - 30.985.1.1110 Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Drivers, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 5/3/2023 n/a 706 KB 723689
Dolby - AudioProcessingObject - 3.30503.533.0 Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 11/27/2022 n/a 5.9 MB 6142720
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc - System - Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 S, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 S, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 9/14/2022 n/a 38 KB 39429
Intel Corporation - System - 30.100.2237.26 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 S, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 S, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 9/5/2022 n/a 239 KB 245420
Dolby - SoftwareComponent - 3.30307.371.0 Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 11 Client, version 22H2 and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 6/6/2022 n/a 6.4 MB 6691734
Dolby - SoftwareComponent - 3.30307.371.0 Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows - Client, version 21H2 and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 6/6/2022 n/a 6.4 MB 6691734
Dolby - SoftwareComponent - 3.30303.338.0 Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 S, Vibranium and later, Servicing Drivers, Windows 10 S, Vibranium and later, Upgrade & Servicing Drivers Drivers (Other Hardware) 3/7/2022 n/a 6.3 MB 6655806
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